
This bibliographic research aimed to construct the state of knowledge of the academic productions accomplished with adult learners of the Young and Adult Education (EJA), available in the Thesis Bank of CAPES and in the Brazilian Digital Library of Thesis and Dissertations (BDTD) of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), between 2011 and 2014, aiming to respond the guiding question “What does the researches has revealed about the adult learners in the Young and Adult Education?”. Has been defined the descriptors “education of young and adult” and “adult” to the initial searches, filtered by year, applied inclusion criteria from the initial reading of the recovered material. The textual corpus selected, composed by 12 publications, was systematized by defense date, title, author, keywords and research line and categorized by themes, causing a particular category. The further content analysis pointed that the majority of the adult public of EJA is from the countryside and suburb of the cities, with an history of subsistence fight, difficulties of access and permanence in school, besides working during childhood and adolescence. The search for transformation and affirmation of their rights in society shows to be one of the motive that boosted them to return to the school seats. Although the limited searches to two databases, we found through this study that the researches focused on he public of educating adult of EJA are still reduced and demands new perspectives that go beyond the understanding of EJA as a compensatory mode of Education.


  • As produções e estudos científicos voltados à Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) no Brasil ainda são incipientes se comparadas a outras temáticas na Educação, conforme Haddad (2011)

  • Estado de conhecimento da pesquisa. This bibliographic research aimed to construct the state of knowledge of the academic productions accomplished with adult learners of the Young and Adult Education (EJA), available in the Thesis Bank of CAPES and in the Brazilian Digital Library of Thesis and Dissertations (BDTD) of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), between 2011 and 2014, aiming to respond the guiding question “What does the researches has revealed about the adult learners in the Young and Adult Education?”

  • The further content analysis pointed that the majority of the adult public of EJA is from the countryside and suburb of the cities, with an history of subsistence fight, difficulties of access and permanence in school, besides working during childhood and adolescence

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O caminho metodológico percorrido

Embora a intenção inicial desta pesquisa bibliográfica fosse localizar os trabalhos produzidos nos últimos cinco anos no Banco de Teses da CAPES e da BDTD/IBICT, justifica-se a inclusão do período entre 2011 e 2014, considerando que as buscas pelos anos 2010 e 2015 não evidenciaram resultados. Ainda sobre a análise de conteúdo, Moraes (1999) afirma que esta metodologia de análise de dados requer a apreensão dos significados emergidos a partir da leitura realizada, para além de uma leitura comum. Os seguintes critérios de inclusão foram adotados para a seleção do corpus de análise no Banco de Teses da CAPES: (a) Dissertações e teses produzidas na área de conhecimento Educação; (b) Alunos adultos da EJA como público-alvo da pesquisa, com enfoque nas suas características e peculiaridades, bem como os sentidos/significados atribuídos por estes alunos ao processo de escolarização vivenciado na Educação de Jovens e Adultos; (c) Pesquisas de abordagem qualitativa, utilizando os seguintes instrumentos de coleta de dados: entrevistas semiestruturadas e/ou abertas, observação e/ou análise documental. E, por fim, a interpretação, que consiste na exploração dos significados do corpus, permitindo um movimento cíclico de “teorização, interpretação e compreensão” (idem, p. 10)

Banco de Teses da CAPES
A EJA em minha vida
Análise e discussão dos resultados
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