
The main objective of enhancing national geodetic control is to create a homogenous horizontal survey control for the country. The realisation of a new geocentric datum, namely the Oman National Geodetic Datum (ONGD14), provides the GPS user community with a modern surveying infrastructure. The existing national geodetic control will be strengthened through the enhancement of the old control network and the future establishment of GPS Oman National CORS Network stations. A dedicated project has been initiated by the National Survey Authority of Oman for the establishment of ONGD14. The first task involves checking the quality of the existing geodetic network of first and second order GPS control stations. This was then followed by carrying out a longer GPS geodetic measurement campaign involving 20 existing control stations throughout the country. GPS processing for precise baselines computation using Bernese software has been carried out. In realising the ONGD14, a network of 20 occupied control stations was connected to almost 50 IGS sites in the vicinity of Oman. A nation-wide combined network adjustment of common station coordinates in latest solution of ITRF2008 frame epoch 2013 (ITRF2008@2013) was then performed to establish the ONGD14.

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