
Abstract The methodology of analysing ionizing mattresses using the RESRAD-BUILD code is described. RESRAD-BUILD is a free computer program developed by Argonne US National laboratory. The RESRAD-BUILD code can analyze radiation exposures resulting from occupying a building contaminated with radioactive materials or housing contaminated furniture or equipment. In May 2018, the South Korean government pulled the mattresses of manufacturer Daijin Bed Co from its markets because these mattresses had unsafe radiation levels. After that, the AEC (Atomic Energy Council, Taiwan) had immediately conducted an inspection of ionizing mattresses of Taiwan and found that the radiation level of mattresses of two domestic brands exceed the legal standards. For assessing the dose of the ionizing mattress, it was necessary to establish a methodology for analyzing these in case of nuclear industry unusual products. This was done by using the RESRAD-BUILD code and the data are presented in this manuscript. The analysis results of RESRAD-BUILD were compared with the assessment result to the dose announced by the AEC. The RESRAD-BUILD result which the air exchange rate is 10–2/h is similar with the AEC data. In addition, the results present that the air exchange rate is very significant for calculating the dose.

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