
The results of the Bilateral Comparison EURAMET.T-K3.5 (w/VSL, The Netherlands) with the goal to link Switzerland’s ITS-90 realization (Ar to Al) to the latest key comparisons gave strong indications for a discrepancy in the realization of the triple point of water. Due to the age of the cells of about twenty years, it was decided to replace the complete reference ensemble with new “state-of-the-art” cells. Three new water triple point cells from three different suppliers were purchased, as well as a new maintenance bath for an additional improvement of the realization. In several loops measurements were taken, each cell of both ensembles intercompared, and the deviations and characteristics determined. The measurements show a significant lower average value of the old ensemble of $$0.59 \pm 0.25\hbox { mK }(k=2)$$ in comparison with the new one. Likewise, the behavior of the old cells is very unstable with a drift downward during the realization of the triple point. Based on these results the impact of the new ensemble on the ITS-90 realization from Ar to Al was calculated and set in the context to performed calibrations and their related uncertainties in the past. This paper presents the instrumentation, cells, measurement procedure, results, uncertainties and impact of the new national reference ensemble of water triple point cells on the current ITS-90 realization in Switzerland.

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