
The diploid wild strawberry Fragaria nilgerrensis Schlechtendal ex J. Gay mainly distributed in Southwest China has many excellent traits and a small genome. A high-quality genome of F. nilgerrensis is available, but functional genomic research remains scarce. In the present study, to promote functional genomic research of F. nilgerrensis, ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) was used to mutagenize the apical meristems, and the appropriate EMS mutagenesis dosages were screened. After treatment of 1200 apical meristems with 0.6% EMS for 6 h, a mutant library consisting of 86 mutant individuals, which were characterized by 17 mutant types, with a mutation rate of 7.17% was established. The characteristics of mutants included changes in the color, shape, number and size of leaves, and the architecture of flower and plant. The obtained mutants were identified by morphological appearance, botanical indexes, chlorophyll, photosynthetic fluorescence assays, root-tip chromosome, and flow cytometry observation. These mutants can provide great resources for gene functional research and future breeding of F. nilgerrensis.

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