
This article analyzes the concept of state of the military historian Martin van Creveld. This analysis allowed the author to view prerequisites and establishment of the state and denote the concept of state. In the latter he differentiates the concepts of state and social practices that ensure their implementation, organization of management and accepted in culture explanations on the need for such organization, which in the author’s opinion comprises the meaning and content of power. Moreover, the article introduces the term of sociocultural pre-basis of the state that allows denoting the substantiation of the trajectory of development of the state and selection of a particular political form. Research methodology includes situational and comparative analysis, articulation of the problems, structuring of notions, reconstruction of historical evolution of the state, analysis and comprehension of the writings of M. Creveld. The author was able to analyze the proposed by Creveld concept of the state, as well as suggest an original version of establishment and development of the state, outline the characteristics of the concept of state (differentiation of stages of its establishment, concepts of states and social practices that ensure their realization, etc.), as well as raise a number of questions related to the discussed topic.

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