
The method of operation of a pilot car seat rental scheme is described. It is unique in that there are sufficient seats to accommodate every newborn infant in the city. Both infant and child seats are available. The pattern of use since the establishment of the scheme in December 1981 is reported. Currently 60% to 70% of parents rent infant seats and 35% to 40% rent child seats. Yearly roadside observations have shown a steady increase in the number of restrained children. In 1981 no infants traveled in approved restraints. In 1984 66% did so. The 1984 results for other age groups were: 6 to 18 months of age, 88%; 18 months to 21/2 years of age, 82%; 21/2 to 31/2 years of age, 66%; 31/2 to 41/2 years of age, 62%. At this time no legislation applied to children less than 8 years of age. The success of this pilot scheme suggests it should be expanded on a national scale.

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