
AbstractAs we discussed in Chap. 1 of this book, the socialist economic system can be classified into three types, the traditional economic system, the dual-track economic system, and the new economic system. Among these three types of economic system, the traditional economic system is the product economy. The economic order under the traditional economic system is classified as the order of the product economy. The dual-track economic system is the transitional stage when the traditional economic system and the new economic system overlap and coexist. At this time, the order of the product economy is still largely in place, and the order of the commodity economy that is compatible with the new economic system has not been fully established. To put it differently, the order of the commodity economy is still in its infancy. The new economic system established after economic reforms will be the socialist commodity economy, and the compatible economic order is the order of the socialist commodity economy.KeywordsTransaction CostEconomic SystemProduct EconomyNational InterestEconomic OrderThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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