
The differential diagnosis of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment includes secondary (nonrhegmatogenous) retinal detachment and other entities that may simulate a retinal detachment. Nonrhegmatogenous detachments are categorized as exudative (serous) and tractional detachments. Conditions that may be mistaken for retinal detachment include retinoschisis, choroidal detachment or tumors, and vitreous membranes. Sometimes benign findings in the peripheral retina are mistaken for retinal breaks. The most prominent feature of the fundus is the optic nerve head or disc, the only place in the human body that affords a direct view of a tract of the central nervous system. The foveola, the functional center of the fundus, is located in the center of the fovea, which has a diameter of about 5°. The macula is centered on the fovea and has a diameter of about 17°. The multiple branches of the central retinal artery are readily identifi ed by their bright red color and relatively narrow caliber. The multiple tributaries of the central retinal vein are recognized by their dark red color and relatively wider caliber. In a darkly pigmented fundus, the choroidal vessels in the posterior pole can be obscured from view, but in an eye with minimal pigment, they are readily visible. The venous tributaries of the choroid that make up the vortex veins are usually easily seen. The most prominent features of the choroidal venous system are the vortex ampullae, of which there are usually four (but sometimes more). They are located approximately in the 1-, 5-, 7-, and 11-o’clock meridians, just posterior to the equator. The horizontal meridians are usually identifiable by their radially oriented, long posterior ciliary nerves, and infrequently the long posterior ciliary artery can be seen adjacent to the nerve. The nerve is relatively broad and has a yellow color, and the artery is identifiable by its red color. The artery is usually inferior to the nerve temporally, and superior to it nasally (Figure 5–1).

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