
ABSTRACT 2017-258 The Pollution Response in Emergencies: Marine Impact Assessment and Monitoring (Premiam) programme was initiated in 2009. It started life as a 3-year government funded developmental programme and has subsequently developed into a UK wide focus for the improvement of post spill monitoring with wide engagement from both government and industry stakeholders. In this paper an update of the achievements under the initiative is presented including the development of scientific guidelines, processes for managing and coordinating the mobilisation of monitoring expertise and systems for evaluating preparedness. Inclusion of post-spill monitoring into the UK National Contingency Plan and national response exercises are also discussed. This paper will also reflect on the most challenging aspects of establishing effective post-spill monitoring including accessing skills and expertise, establishing funding, stakeholder support and consistency of approach across all relevant sectors. Finally, experience from the UK will be used to consider the status of post-spill monitoring in the context of the International Oil Spill Conferences four key areas of Prevent, Prepare, Respond and Restore. For more information see: www.cefas.co.uk/premiam

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