
Sarawak state of Malaysia is blessed with tropical rainforests receiving four meters of average annual rainfall. The state’s topography is ideal for hydropower development, which has become one of the key factors that influence the State to invest in hydropower as its main source of renewable energy. Reliance on hydropower as a clean and renewable energy started since the commissioning of the Batang Ai Hydroelectric Plant (108 MW) in the year 1985. Today, the total hydropower installed capacity has increased to 3,452 MW with the addition of two large hydro plants i.e. Murum HEP and Bakun HEP. The development of the hydro plant creates a water reservoir with a huge storage capacity. It is crucial to have an efficient hydropower dispatch and dynamic reservoir management plan to ensure the smooth operation of the hydro plant without causing adverse impacts to the environment and local communities. In this paper, we are highlighting the initiatives put in place at Batang Ai HEP to ensure that the plant is operated efficiently and safely. The establishment of a real-time flow monitoring, flood forecasting, and flood warning system is essential for a hydro plant to alert the hydro owners and communities in any possible risk. Also, the development of land and water use inventory adds value to the reservoir and dam safety management where hydro operators and other interested parties could seek information on the land and water used areas surrounding the hydro reservoir.

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