
Volcanic sediments are generally difficult to date using luminescence dating methods, but many important archaeological and palaeoanthropological sites are located in volcanic regions. Here we present an improved dating procedure for grains with composite mineralogies deposited at Liang Bua, the type locality of Homo floresiensis in Indonesia, using the post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) signal. Individual mineral grains that emit detectable pIRIR signals are composed of a range of feldspar varieties, quartz, clay minerals, heavy minerals and volcanic glass, rendering the isolation of individual potassium-rich feldspar grains infeasible. We investigate the luminescence behaviour of these composite mineral grains in detail, including their thermal stability, anomalous fading and dose-response characteristics. A standardised growth curve is developed to enable more time-efficient measurements, together with a ‘micro-aliquot’ approach in which each hole on a disc contains approximately 8–10 grains. Less than 1% of grains yield detectable pIRIR signals when measured individually, so the use of micro-aliquots provides, in effect, a means of estimating the equivalent dose (D e ) at single-grain resolution. Our results show that the pIRIR signal measured at 275 °C is suitable for estimating D e values of these composite grains, without the need for residual dose or fading corrections. • Improved pIRIR procedure to date Liang Bua, type locality of Homo floresiensis. • Analysed composite mineral grains in this volcanic region at single-grain resolution. • Established SGC parameters for the time-efficient measurement of equivalent dose. • Number of accepted data points increased six-fold using new preparation methods.

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