
This review article examines the role of essential oils in hair health. Essential oils, derived from plants, are noted for their biological properties, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. They have gained popularity in hair care for their potential benefits, as hair is not only crucial for physical appearance but also for personal identity and expression. Traditional hair care products like minoxidil and shampoos may have drawbacks such as limited effectiveness, side effects, or high costs. Consequently, essential oils are being considered as natural alternatives, claimed to stimulate hair growth, prevent hair loss, and improve hair quality. However, scientific research on essential oils for hair health is scarce and inconclusive. The outcomes of essential oil treatments can vary based on factors like oil type, concentration, application method, and individual hair conditions. Risks such as allergic reactions and skin irritation are possible. The review aims to critically assess the current literature on essential oils for hair health. Topics include the molecular mechanisms of essential oils, their efficacy compared to conventional products, and optimal usage methods. The review also explores the psychological effects of essential oils on hair health and identifies areas for future research.

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