
The aim of this paper is to highlight the essence and features of the skill of the host of the event project, as well as to clarify the concept of “image” as a component in creating an individual image of the host in order to succeed in career growth, communication with the audience.
 Topicality. With the development of the creative industry and the expansion of various forms and types of art projects and shows, there is a growing need for professional presenters who must have brilliant skills of communication with the audience and improvisation, behavior, personal image improvement. Therefore, the skill of the presenter constantly needs to improve and master new opportunities, both personal and professional. It is here that you can see the relevance of this research topic.
 Research methodology The purpose and objectives of this study determine a comprehensive approach to the choice of research methods. The main ones are: observation, which helped to analyze the moral and ethical aspects of the image of the host of events; comparison of requirements for professional leaders of other categories. The historical method is used to analyze phenomena in the process of their occurrence and in the dynamics of the development of the art of entertaining. A systematic approach to the study made it possible to comprehensively consider the phenomenon of leading events.
 Results. Several categories of presenters are considered, which differ from each other in style and genre of work, personality of the image and the audience to which the presenter’s attention is directly directed. The work of the entertainer as the main chain in the concert program is analyzed. It is determined that not only personal characteristics are needed for the formation of components, namely: image — external: hairstyle, appearance, clothing, cosmetics, etc., internal: character, attitude to work, attitude to the professional level, etc. It is proved that the conference is divided into five parts, namely: introduction, business news, interludes, the host’s own number and the end of the conference and concert. It was found that a specific feature of the host’s work is the ability to conduct interesting and dynamic competitions-games with the audience. It is noted that high-quality event management depends on good work and skill of the presenter, because the working conditions and performance of tasks, sometimes leads to an integral part of the competence.
 Novelty. The scientific novelty of the research is the expansion of ideas about the specifics of the work of a presenter in the field of modern performing arts. The analysis of the development of the art of the presenter, its structure, categories and characteristics gives the chance to understand features of a profession of the presenter in a modern society, and also to define prospects of its development.
 Practical content. Prospects for further research in the field of studying and forecasting trends in the event industry, laying the foundations for further theoretical research in the field of mass forms of dramatic art on the example of modern art practices.

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