
The article investigates the essence of the concept of “communicative competence of the teacher of speech therapy groups” and defines its components. The content of the notions “competence”, “professional competence”, “communicative competence”, and “communicative competence of the teacher of the preschool institution of compensatory type” is revealed. The author defines the communicative competence of the future educator of speech therapy groups as a tool of correctional and pedagogical action. It is characterized by the unity of communicative skills, knowledge, skills, which include: speech culture, culture of verbal and non-verbal communication, emotional (intonation-expressive) culture, and ability to find speech and emotional contact with the child, using the intonation capabilities of speech, sound speech, taking into account the specific speech disorders of children, in order to solve correctional and developmental tasks during professional activities.The development of communicative competence of future educators of speech therapy groups in the process of professional training in a professional-pedagogical college involves implementing each of the above components in the process of purposeful work, taking into account the level of its formation. As it is shown in the article, a significant feature of the profession of a speech therapist is its belonging to the professions of “increased speech responsibility”, in which communicative competence is a prerequisite for professional competence.Therefore, at the present stage, the actual problem of pedagogical education in Ukraine is the formation of the professional competencies of the student – the future teacher.
 Keywords: competence; professional competence; communicative competence; teachers of speech therapy groups; speech therapist; correctional work, children with speech disorder; preschool educational institutions of compensating type; pedagogical colleges.

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