
The paper elucidates the history and current state of the administrative procedure doctrine, the idea of the structure of the administrative procedural code of the Russian Federation, shows the role Prof. Nadezhda G. Salishcheva and Prof. Valentin D. Sorokin plaid in the development of the theory of administrative procedure. The author highlights that the first link of administrative procedural activity and the structure of administrative procedural law have been created. The second link, namely, the creation of the Administrative Procedural Code of the Russian Federation has been completed. The third link that involves the recognition by the legal scientific community of the fact that, in the system of Russian law, administrative procedural law does exist, has taken place. And, according to strict logic, there is a need for the fourth final link in the system of administrative procedural activity, namely: the creation of an all-Russian system of administrative courts, which will require a financial basis, the availability of human resources and a modern digital infrastructure, including a unified all-Russian database of citizens and organizations brought to administrative responsibility qualified according to the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and fields (areas) of management, high-speed Internet connection with all local jurisdictional authorities. And as we can see, the system of administrative courts will meet the needs of two branches of state power — the executive branch and the judiciary.The author expresses the wish that curious scientists — administrative law experts — appear in Russian science, who would be interested in the considered scientific issue that constitutes an interesting and very important problem and proceeds researching the theory, legislation and practice of the administrative procedure.


  • Еще со времен Древней Греции, Древнего Рима, Вавилона (Двенадцать таблиц царя Хаммурапи), где зародилась европейская цивилизация, и некоторых других государств, в частности Российской Федерации (России) (Русская Правда), появились первые правовые акты, регулирующие отношения собственности и правопорядка

  • Prof. Valentin D. Sorokin plaid in the development of the theory

  • The author highlights that the first link of administrative procedural activity

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Еще со времен Древней Греции, Древнего Рима, Вавилона (Двенадцать таблиц царя Хаммурапи), где зародилась европейская цивилизация, и некоторых других государств, в частности России (Русская Правда), появились первые правовые акты, регулирующие отношения собственности и правопорядка. Мы видим, что каждый вид процесса имеет и обслуживает «свою» ветвь власти и административный процесс, как бы его ни рассматривать — широко или узко, в управленческом или юрисдикционном виде, несомненно, является процессуальной формой исполнительной власти[3].

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