
Abstract Petrobras has extensively acted in five simultaneous Exploration and Production frontiers in the Espirito Santo Basin, namely: gas in shallow water, light and heavy oil in deepwater, light oil in ultra deepwater and onshore. The oil and natural gas production has increased very fast over the last years; thus, contributing to the sustainability of the Brazilian scenario. The new projects planned will require solid investments from Petrobras, in the order of US$ 9 billion up to 2011, applied mainly in the exploration and production areas. The turning point in the oil production is starting with the new deepwater production systems in the following fields:?Golfinho: (module 1 - FPSO Capixaba - 2006) and (module 2- FPSO Cidade de Vitoria -2007).?Jubarte: phase 1 (FPSO P-34 - 2006) and phase 2 (FPSO P-57 - 2010). In 2006, the oil production will increase from 30 for 90 Mbopd. Natural gas is another example of success. Production is expected to rise from the current 1.3 million m3/d to about 20 million m3/d by the end of 2008. In order to reach these goals, Petrobras has invested in new infrastructure projects such as pipelines, processing plants and in the construction of a new port to support offshore operations. The company has also participated in research projects in partnership with the Federal University of Espirito Santo. These actions will consolidate a new cycle in the petroleum industry in Espirito Santo, the new deepwater frontier in Brazil. A Little Bit of History The performance of Petrobras in Espirito Santo State, located in southeastern Brazil, encompasses activities in the areas of the Espirito Santo Basin (onshore and offshore) and the north portion of the Campos Basin (offshore). The activities in the area initiated exactly 50 years ago (1957), with focus onshore, with the first discovery happening after a 10- year research period (1967). In 1968, in the Espirito Santo Basin, the first Brazilian offshore well was perforated (1-ESS- 01), in shallow waters (WD 47 m). Also after 10 years of work (1978), the Cacao Field appeared as the first offshore commercial discovery in the Espirito Santo Basin, at a water depth of 19 meters. The onshore production initiated in 1973, reached the top production of 25 Mbopd in 1984, declining down to 9 Mbopd in 1998, when new fields were discovered in function of new technologies (seismic 3D). During this period, new wells were perforated in shallow waters (60 meters), leading to the discovery of two new non-associated gas fields: Cangoa (1988) and Peroa (1997). In 1999, Petrobras started pursuing a new frontier in the area, perforating the first wildcat (1-ESS-90A) in deep waters. Hence, a new cycle begins. In early 2001, the first commercial discovery took place in deep waters (Jubarte Field) in the north of the Campos Basin, followed by, in 2003, the discovery of light oil, also in deep waters, in the Espirito Santo Basin (Golfinho Field).

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