
The present best practice for performing esophageal reconstruction using colon tissue was investigated in this review. The left colon has advantages in that it has less variation in blood supply and a smaller diameter than the right colon; however, the rate of graft necrosis is higher for the left colon. Additional microvascular anastomosis, which is unnecessary in most cases, may be able to resolve these issues. The colon graft should be reconstructed in an isoperistaltic fashion whenever possible in order to prevent regurgitation and improve food transit. The posterior mediastinum has the advantage of being the shortest route, but it also has the major disadvantage that graft necrosis can be severe or fatal if it occurs. In palliative or advanced cases, a retrosternal or subcutaneous route is preferred, because the posterior mediastinum is a tumor bed. However, in these cases partial excision of the manubrium and the left clavicula should be considered to release compression of the graft at the thoracic inlet. Consequently, the selection of the colon graft should be flexible and be based on the inspection of blood supply and the length needed, and thereafter microvessel anastomosis should be added in cases where graft ischemia might occur.

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