
To evaluate the influence of transesophageal atrial pacing of the transthoracic His potential identification, we combined signal-averaged ECG with transesophageal atrial pacing with low threshold for pacing averaging ECG recording. A tripolar 10 French esophageal balloon electrode catheter, with one cylindrical electrode on the tip of the catheter and two balloon electrodes on the cardiac side of the catheter, used in 53 patients, allowed a painless transesophageal atrial pacing and a high signal to noise distance in the signal-averaged ECG. Transesophageal atrial pacing allowed in 37 of 53 patients an identification of His potential by increasing the distance between the end of the atrial potential and the onset of the His potential in the pacing averaging ECG. The esophageal balloon electrode catheter allowed a painless transesophageal atrial pacing with low threshold for atrial capture during a long pacing time and a high signal to noise distance in the pacing averaging ECG. The increasing of the heart rate with transesophageal atrial pacing allowed the transthoracic identification of the His potential in the pacing averaging ECG.

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