
Currently, some universities and colleges in Palestine use a traditional assessment method to evaluate their faculty members' performance each semester, while some use e-forms that are being evaluated manually. However, these processes are not flexible or accurate enough to give fair and non-prejudiced feedback. Moreover, it takes a long time to ensure the information quality of the data inputs as the quality assurance process is done manually. In this paper, we propose a smart assessment system that can evaluate faculty members each semester. The system measures faculty member performance by assessing five main criteria: courses, students, faculty member teaching skills, research, and academic workshops. The system gets these data inputs for each criterion during the academic semester from the faculty member. It uses a mathematical model to evaluate the input data from each of the five criteria and then it generates a final report that shows analytical information on faculty member performance in the selected semester, a score for each criterion and it concludes with a final score as an overall score for the selected faculty member. The final report is used by the Quality Assurance Unit to improve teaching and learning outcomes, thereby fulfilling quality assurance standards.

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