
This paper presents new ten funerary inscriptions (nr. 1-10) and a fragment (nr. 11) from Museum of Eskişehir. The nine of these inscriptions are in the Museum of Eskişehir and the two of them are in a private collection and registered with the museum. Nr. 1 is a grave stone for Karikos, erected by his parents Karikos and Chelidon. Nr. 2 was erected by the parents Asklas and Babou and the son Nikion for Apphia, nr. 3 by the mother Nana and the daughter Lala and brothers Menogones and ……. for Asklepios, nr. 4 by the parents Montanos and Hermais for Olympias, who lived for years. Nr. 5 records Phileros, son of Chrysippos, built the tomb for his wife Stratonis and his daughter Atti- -. In nr. 6, ……, son/daughter of Philippos erected the altar with (children?) Polyainos and ……. for …… of Nearchos, ……. Sosigenes. Nr. 7 is a grave stone for Elpidephoros, who was described as demosios, and Aurelia Philete and Aurelius Eutyches, erected by his family members. Nr. 8 for Hierokles, son of Apollonios, was erected by Menas and Ouang- -. Nr. 9 is a sarcophagus decorated with reliefs for Hermolaos, who lived for 17 years. Nr. 10 is a funerary stele for Phil- -, son of Mo- - -nos, from Late Antiquity. Nr. 11 is a fragmentary inscription for Damas, son of Demetrios.

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