
Nowadays, with the growing popularity of e-Government services, security of client platforms and violation of citizen e-rights are of great concerns. Since Internet-voting protocols have no control over voter-side platforms, bribery/coercion and breaching vote’s privacy and voter’s anonymity are feasible. In fact, the voter-side platform (voter’s PC) is easily vulnerable to malicious software (cyber-attacks) and can totally breach security of the entire voting protocol. We have proposed ESIV: an end-to-end secure internet-voting system that highly guarantees: voter and server-side platform’s security, verifiability, fairness, resistance to bribery/coercion and voting authorities collusion besides simultaneous election support while preserving eligibility, anonymity, privacy and trust. In addition, we utilize Java Card 3 technology as an independent secure web-server which is connected directly to network in order to send/receive HTTP(S) requests using high-speed interfaces. This technology brings about independence from utilizing any trusted device at voter-side and provides end-to-end security. Finally, an implementation of ESIV is presented and ESIV security features are evaluated.

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