
Poster ESG3 Younger oil and gas workers suffer more from anxiety and depression than their older counterparts. Several factors contribute to emotional distress, but isolation and family disconnect are two predominant contributing conditions. Separation from social support results in missed milestones such as holidays, birthdays and anniversaries. A large sector of oil and gas employees is young, primarily male, with an average age of 36, with 22% being between 20 and 24 years of age. For some, employment in oil and gas marks the first time they are separated from family. Others are parents with children under the age of ten. These young employees are members of Gen-Z and technology natives who have a natural preference for innovative telecommunications. Members in this demographic are familiar and comfortable with virtual reality in gaming and communication. In the post-Covid era, most have grown accustomed to web communication. Presently, technology has evolved beyond two-dimensional interaction. Mixed reality involves using holograms to provide ‘telepresence’ through holo-teleportation and provides an in vivo experience for both the employee and his family members. This technology allows participants to have a virtual presence resulting in a live-lived experience with loved ones complete with familiar surroundings and objects. A realistic virtual presence is thought to mitigate the effects of separation. To access the poster click the link on the right. To read the full paper click here

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