
In this paper is introduced theory on essay and essayism of Mikhail Epstein. M. Epstein (Михаил Наумович Эпштейн) – literary critic, philosopher and cultural anthropologist and essayist, cultural theory and Russian literature professor at Emory University in the USA and Durham University in Great Britain. Epstein discusses the essay genre characteristics and together essayistic thinking spread of other genres in general and various cultural forms. In order to demonstrate the practical application of the theory of literary research, is analyzed together Leonardo Gutausko novel Vilko dantų karoliai (A Wolf Teeth Necklace) the first book (1990). It is proposed to call this novel essays or essays. The thesis describes features characteristic to the essay genre, offers a comparison of essay to novel, and essay to myth, revealing attribution of role of a new mythology to art. This leads to certain structural principles governing essay: reach for integrity, certainty (reality) in a piece of work, organisation and thematic regulation of paradigmatic discourse. It all shapes a certain understanding of essayistic thinking, and simultaneously turns into respective tangible aspects, in turn used to carry out an analysis. The thesis then follows on to concept of essayism, in terms of cultural phenomenon; this has allowed going beyond the form of essay genre. The starting point is individualisation of a myth. According to Epstein, essayistic thinking has inherited from ancient mythology a principle of combing into unity; however, syncretism has been replaced with synthetism, using differentiated forms of culture for mediation purposes. The thesis discovers principle of essayistic thinking in the prose. Image-based thinking of works by Gutauskas is considered a sign of individualisation of a myth. Art then becomes an intermediary, allowing for an overall view of spiritual world of an individual. It is shown that graphically separated fragments can be read as an individual essay or combined into a whole – as essayistic novel. On the whole it combines Tadas’ personality. Personal experience – this text material. Theoretical approach selected has led to discovery of essayistic thinking as dominant in the work of Gutauskas. This in turn allows for a specific, rather than an abstract, definition of the art by the author in question, true to scientific interests, and labelling it an essayistic art, which, through personality of the author, i. e. cultural entity (an individual), combines different levels of culture and reaches an entirety with a cultural dissection. And it is the art that takes on a role of new mythology.


  • Epstein discusses the essay genre characteristics and together essayistic thinking spread of other genres in general and various cultural forms

  • In order to demonstrate the practical application of the theory of literary research, is analyzed together Leonardo Gutausko novel Vilko dantų karoliai (A Wolf Teeth Necklace) the first book (1990)

  • The thesis describes features characteristic to the essay genre, offers a comparison of essay to novel, and essay to myth, revealing attribution of role of a new mythology to art. This leads to certain structural principles governing essay: reach for integrity, certainty in a piece of work, organisation and thematic regulation of paradigmatic discourse

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Eseizmas – vientisas kultūrinis fenomenas

Epšteinas eseistinio mąstymo paplitimą kituose meno žanruose ir rūšyse vadina eseizacija, o jos pasireiškimo visumą, kaip vientisą kultūrinį fenomeną, – eseizmu. Eseizmas – tai integralus procesas kultūroje, judėjimas prie gyvenimo, minties ir vaizdo sintezės, kurioje visi komponentai, iš pradžių koegzistavę mite, bet vėliau diferencijuoti kultūros vystymosi, vėl susieina, kad eksperimentiškai įsitrauktų, vienas kitą prisijungtų, sudarytų kažką bendra su kažkuo dar neparodytu, neišryškintu, su neatskleista visuma[1]. Leonardo Gutausko romane viską sujungiančios autoriaus asmenybės išskyrimas yra tas pats, ką Albertas Zalatorius Vilko dantų karoliuose vadina meninin-. Iš tikrųjų daugelis biografinių faktų Šimo Tadą leidžia tapatinti su autoriumi, bet ne iki galo, todėl juos galima apibūdinti kaip neatskiriamus, bet ir nesuartinamus. Remdamasis Montaigneiu, teigia, kad atrasti kažką vidurinį tarp yra būtent tokio eseistinio svarstymo balansavimo tiksli formulė ir charakteristika[9]. Bet kuris eseistiškai apmąstytas žodis gali virsti terminu, kurio pagrindu kuriama visa principinių žodžių vartojimo sistema. Kurio kiekviena dalelė centrinė ir kartu periferinė, susideda iš daug pasaulių, kurie yra vienas kito prielaida ir išvada, atrama ir papildymas, ir šis pačių metmenų paslankumas ir yra jo atviro vientisumo pagrindas[10]

Esė ir viršžanrinis mąstymas
Vientisumo siekis
Tikroviškumas: asmeninė patirtis ir autobiografiškumas
Paradigminė struktūra ir reguliarumo principas
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