
A mutant of Escherichia coli has been isolated that contains a large deletion (about 3 X 10(7) daltons of deoxyribonucleic acid) encompassing argA, fuc, and relA. This mutant strain (AA-787) is also cold sensitive for growth at 18 degrees C. Strain AA-787 was obtained fortuitously as a cold-sensitive pseudorevertant of a strain having a heat-sensitive peptidyl-transfer ribonucleic acid hydrolase. Genetic analysis, using transduction and interrupted mating, showed the cold sensitivity mutation to be located adjacent to relA. Further analysis demonstrated loss of relA, fuc, and argA gene functions but retention of eno and recB, closely linked genes adjacent to relA and argA, respectively. Unusually high cotransduction of flanking markers (cysC and thyA) indicated loss of approximately 1 min of the E. coli genetic map in strain AA-787. Guanosine 3'-diphosphate 5'-diphosphate (ppGpp) was synthetized in mutant strain AA-787 at basal levels, and ppGpp synthesis was stimulated by carbon-source downshift. No ppGpp synthesis could be obtained using ribosomes isolated from strain AA-787. These findings, taken together, show that deletion of relA in E. coli does not completely abolish ppGpp synthesis and suggests that another enzyme system must also be responsible for ppGpp synthesis.

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