
Pressure sores are a frequent complication in spinal injured people. Their treatment is often long and complex. We report the case of a 60-year-old man affected with complete paraplegia who developed a right trochanteric pressure ulcer complicated with osteoarthritis of the coxofemoral joint. The treatment was done in three steps. First, a large excision of necrotic tissues and a femoral head-neck resection is performed. Then, the defect is partly covered with a Gluteus Maximus and a Biceps Femoris myocutaneous flaps. Finally, the residual defect is covered with a cutaneous pedicled groin flap called McGregor's flap. Later, the patient showed a right para-scrotal pressure sore on a heterotopic ossification of the ischial tuberosity. McGregor's flap is rarely employed for treating trochanteric pressure sores. It was here the only pedicled flap available. It was necessary to autonomize it in order to get enough length and to place a hip external fixation. The para-scrotal pressure sore illustrates the fact that bone resection surgery lifts the weight-bearing zones and can lead to pressure sores in unusual locations. The surgical treatment of these "giant" pressure sores requires a perfect collaboration between teams of rehabilitation and several surgical areas. Without a good adherence of the patient, the treatment is doomed to fail.

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