
Anthropogenic stressors like overfishing, land based runoff, and increasing temperatures cause the degradation of coral reefs, leading to the loss of corals and other calcifiers, increases in competitive fleshy algae, and increases in microbial pathogen abundance and hypoxia. To test the hypothesis that corals would be healthier by moving them off the benthos, a common garden experiment was conducted in which corals were translocated to midwater geodesic spheres (hereafter called Coral Reef Arks or Arks). Coral fragments translocated to the Arks survived significantly longer than equivalent coral fragments translocated to Control sites (i.e., benthos at the same depth). Over time, average living coral surface area and volume were higher on the Arks than the Control sites. The abundance and biomass of fish were also generally higher on the Arks compared to the Control sites, with more piscivorous fish on the Arks. The addition of Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS), which served as habitat for sessile and motile reef-associated organisms, also generally significantly increased fish associated with the Arks. Overall, the Arks increased translocated coral survivorship and growth, and exhibited knock-on effects such as higher fish abundance.

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