
Accurate estimates of escapement by adult anadromous salmonids are difficult, especially in large, multistock river systems. We used radiotelemetry and a fishery reward program to calculate escapement, harvest, and unaccounted for loss rates for 10 498 adult chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and 5324 steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during six return years in the Columbia River basin. Mean annual escapements to spawning sites, hatcheries, or the upper bounds of the monitored hydrosystem were 73.4% (spring–summer chinook salmon), 61.3% (fall chinook salmon), and 62.6% (steelhead). Mean reported harvest rates were 8.7% (spring–summer chinook), 22.0% (fall chinook), and 15.1% (steelhead) within the mainstem hydrosystem and 5.9%, 3.4%, and 5.7%, respectively, in lower hydrosystem tributaries. On average, 12%–17% of each run had unknown fates in the mainstem hydrosystem. Escapement, harvest, and loss varied significantly between runs and years, within runs between known-origin subbasin stocks, and between interdam river reaches. Multiyear quantitative assessments like this can reduce uncertainty, clarify inter- and intra-annual variability, and help managers better evaluate fisheries, identify conservation priorities, and help protect evolutionarily significant populations.

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