
Introduction: Identifying the level of critical patient functionality in an intensive care unit (ICU) is critical.In this context, specific functional evaluation instruments have been developed to guide interventionprotocols. Objective: To recognize and systematize the functional evaluation scales validated in the literaturefor use in intensive care. Methods: A literature review was conducted with Cochrane, PEDro andPubMed databases using the descriptors: “physical therapy”, “intensive care units”, “mobility status”, “outcomeassessment”, “early mobilization”, and “scales”. Results: Six studies were found that validated toolsto measure the functional status of ICU patients, such as ICU Mobility Scale, Functional Status Score,Perme Intensive Care Unit Mobility Score, Physical Function ICU Test, Chelsea Critical Care PhysicalAssesment Tool, Surgical intensive care unit Optimal Mobilization Score and the measure of functionalindependence, not validated for ICU, but applied in national studies. The most prevalent variable in thevalidated scales was the mobility domain. The scoring applied by the scales was variable, interconnectedto the type of functional activity evaluated. Most of the studies were developed in general clinical-surgicalICU. Conclusion: Currently there are six validated scales in the pertinent scientific literature to evaluatethe functionality of patients hospitalized in ICU.

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