
Fragments of four inscribed clay cylinders were found during the 1958 season of excavations at Fort Shalmaneser. Their provenance, the quarters of the rab-ekalli , has already been described by D. Oates in Iraq . The texts are in the main identical with the complete cylinder of Esarhaddon published by D. J. Wiseman in 1952, recording the reconstruction of the ekal-masarti of Kalḫu in 672 B.C. The four cylinders bear similar texts except for a few minor points of orthography. One fragment (ND. 7100) is dated 21st. Ab 676 B.C. and two others to the 10th. Elul of the same year (ND. 7097, 7098) while the date is missing from the fourth fragment (ND. 7099). The text of ll. 36–44 is copied below (Fig. 1) from ND. 7100 which furnishes the most complete example of the short building inscription concluding all four cylinders; variants and restorations being given from ND. 7097, 7098.

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