
K562 cells are human leukemia cells inducible for hemoglobin synthesis by a variety of agents. This report demonstrates that hypoxanthine, which alone has no inductive effect, enhances induction by thymidine, resulting in a greater absolute, as well as relative, percentage of benzidine positive cells. This effect is seen over a 20-fold concentration range for both thymidine and hypoxanthine. This enhancement involves commitment, i.e., a process in which the induction of hemoglobin synthesis is coupled to a limitation in the number of subsequent cell divisions. Although thymidine alone increases the percentage of cells in S phase, hypoxanthine does not augment this. Purines other than hypoxanthine also enhance induction by thymidine. This enhancement by hypoxanthine of thymidine induction is inhibited by pyrimidine nucleosides. Mycophenolic acid, an inhibitor of IMP dehydrogenase, itself an effective K562 inducer, is not additive to thymidine and hypoxanthine, suggesting that hypoxanthine may act by reducing the supply of guanosine nucleosides.

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