
Abstract A description is provided for Erysiphe convolvuli . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. DISEASE: Powdery mildew of members of the Convolvulaceae only. Mycelium, conidiophores, conidia and ascomata form first white, then dirty-grey layers on damaged leaves. Erysiphe convolvuli can be used as an agent of biocontrol against any Convolvulus species which are malicious weeds. HOSTS: Calystegia hederacea, C. sepium, C. silvatica, C. soldanella, Convolvulus althaeoides, C. ammanii, C. arvensis, C. askabadensis (incl. C. pseudocantabrica), C. divaricatus, C. fruticosus, C. galaticus, C. hamadae, C. hirsutus, C. lineatus, C. pilosellaefolius, C. sagittaefolius , C. scammonia, C. siculus, C. subhirsutus, C. tricolor, Ipomoea batatas (?), I . cymosa (?). [Type host - Convolvulus arvensis ] GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Africa: Canary Islands, Egypt, Libya, Morocco. Asia (temperate areas only): Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, China, Cyprus, Republic of Georgia, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan, Korea, Lebanon, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia (north Caucasus, south and southwest Siberia), Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. Europe (almost all): Austria, Bulgaria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Russia (European part), Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey (European part), UK, Ukraine, former Yugoslavia. North America (introduced). South America: Argentina, Brazil (introduced). TRANSMISSION: By wind-dispersed conidia. The rôle of ascospores in disease transmission is unknown, although it has been supposed that they can cause the initial stage of the disease.

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