
The Parents consider tooth eruption as an important thing in the child's life development, and they have often showed their concern about the timing of eruption of teeth. The purpose of this study were to Estimate the average age for eruption time of Permanent 1st molar, central & lateral incisors in upper & lower Jaw (right & left) in both gender and to Compare the eruption time of these teeth between upper & lower Jaw ,right & left side ,male &female. This study was conducted at Al Ramadi City / Iraq, where the sample was consisted of “786” children (391 male & 395 female) of age 5.5 years to 10 years were they taken randomly fr om various schools. Eruption of various permanent teeth (1s t Molar, Central & Lateral Incisors teeth) were noted in both j aws and both sides. In our study we found that the permanent 1st molars were the first permanent tooth that erupts in all children at the age between 5.87 – 7.96 years on both jaws and on both right and left sides with the mean age of eruption at 6.57 ± 0.55 years in lower jaw and 6.62 ± 0.53 years in upper jaw. I n addition to that our study showed that the next permanent teeth to erupt were central incisors which erupt at the age between 6.14 – 8.93 years on both jaws and on both right and left sides w ith the mean age of eruption at 7.23 ± 0.61 years in lower jaw and 6.29 ± 0.57 years in upper jaw. Finally, the eruption of per manent lateral incisors were at the age between 7.66 – 9.93 years on both jaws and on both right and left sides with the mean age of eruption at 8.89 ± 0.56 years in lower jaw and 8.93 ± 0.55 years in upper jaw. The teeth erupted in female earlier tha n male and in the lower Jaw than upper Jaw. In the most cas es the right lower teeth erupted earlier than the other quadrant of both jaws. In general, we found that there was delay in the time of eruption of nearly all the teeth that were included in this study.

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