
The eruption chronology of the primary dentition has been studied in some populations, however; only few studies from Nigeria and other African countries have been reported. To determine the appropriate reference standard for eruption of primary teeth in Nigerian children. A cross sectional study consisting of 1,013 clinically healthy babies, infants and preschool children between the ages of 4 to 36 months from the community health centers immunization clinics in Ife Central and Ife East Local Government Areas. Boys erupted primary teeth earlier than girls in both arches except the first molars. However girls had a shorter duration of eruption (from the first tooth to erupt to the last tooth to erupt) when compared to boys. In addition, boys had a systematic tendency for earlier eruption on the left side. Within the limitations of this study, a baseline data for eruption of primary teeth among Nigerian children has been established. Nigerian children experienced an earlier eruption of primary teeth when compared to their Arabian and American counterparts and a later eruption when compared to children from Iceland.

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