
Video communication over IP networks involves more issues than that over ATM networks in terms of error control. First, IP networks provide neither prioritized transmission nor guaranteed QOS for data packets. Second, video streams need to be packetized well before transmission over IP networks in order to have good error resilience characteristics. Finally, the mitigation of spatial and temporal error propagation in IP networks is very different from that in ATM networks upon the loss of IP packets. In this paper, we develop an error-resilient video communication system based on the H.323 family of ITU-T recommendations. With a low-delay backward channel for packet receipt reports, bidirectional error resilience mechanisms are employed to avoid error spreading in the temporal domain. Two operation modes, i.e., ACK and NACK, are devised for two communicating parties to eliminate error propagation after either one frame lag or one round trip delay without consuming much additional bandwidth as compared to simple INTRA updates. Our system can also adaptively choose an operation mode to maintain a satisfactory video quality at the decoder under variable channel error conditions. It is shown by experimental results that our error control scheme is suitable for video transmission over IP-based LANs at packet loss rates up to 20%.

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