
The above article was originally published on Early View on 9 October 2015, and subsequently in volume 142 (issue 694): 401–417; DOI:10.1002/qj.2659. In section 5.3 Sensible heat flux, the numbers of RMSE are wrong in the second paragraph. The text should remain the same but the numbers in brackets should be as follows: CLM simulates the wintertime QH best at Kumpula (RMSE = 27 W m−2), but overestimates QH at Torni (RMSE = 73 W m−2) particularly at night. Although SUEWS is able to predict the difference between the two sites, it underestimates nocturnal QH at Torni and overestimates daytime QH at Kumpula (RMSE of 46 and 32 W m−2 respectively). SURFEX underestimates QH at both Torni and Kumpula (RMSE = 60 and 33 W m−2, respectively) and is not able to predict the difference between the two sites in wintertime.

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