
Two new species of Russula from Xizang and Yunnan in southwestern China were described and illustrated based on morphological data and phylogenetic analysis of internal transcribed spacer sequences. Russula chiui (R. sect. Emeticinae) resembles R. nobilis Velen., but the new taxon has an odorless context and a larger inamyloid suprahilar plage of basidiospores with lower ornamentation. Russula pseudopectinatoides (R. sect. Foetentinae) is most similar to R. pectinatoides Peck. The former has a context without a distinct odor, a stipe slightly rugulose longitudinally, basidiospores with lower warts often linked by fine lines, terminal cells of pileipellis with obtuse to ventricose tips, and a habitat of coniferous to mixed forest.

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