
s e 2 1 = . Uninformative (flat) priors were assumed for all random model effects, being inverse χ 2 distribution. Shrinkage of fixed model effects was used to prevent poor convergence (Janss, 2008). Marginal posterior distributions of heritability, repeatability, and maternal effect were assessed using iBay software (Janss, 2008). An inverse probit link function, µ � ii = ( ) � , was used to relate the linear predictor ( ), h i the IBH liability, to the conditional mean on the observed scale (µi), where F is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution and µi is the expected response on the observed scale (Kachman, 2000). Schurink, A., B. J. Ducro, H. C. M. Heuven, and J. A. M. van Arendonk. 2011. Genetic parameters of insect bite hypersensitivity in Dutch Friesian broodmares. J. Anim. Sci. 89(5):1286–1293.

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