
The authors would like to correct errors in the original publication of the article. The corrections are given below: In page 4, in part (2) of Theorem 6., ‘‘^i2I Hi;Bi ð Þ is a fuzzy soft subring of (F, A)’’ should be changed to ‘‘^i2I Hi;Bi ð Þ is a fuzzy soft subring of ^i2I F;A ð Þ.’’ In page 4, in part (3) of Theorem 6., ‘‘If Bi Bj 1⁄4 £, for all i; j 2 I, then _i2I Hi;Bi ð Þ is a fuzzy soft subring of (F, A)’’ should be changed to ‘‘If Bi Bj 1⁄4 £; for all i; j 2 I, then _i2I Hi;Bi ð Þ is a fuzzy soft subring of _i2I F;A ð Þ.’’ In page 5, in section 4 ‘‘For any t; r 2 0; 1 1⁄2 ;M t; r ð Þ will denote min t; r ð Þ:2 _q means 2 _q does not hold.’’ must be omitted. In page 5, proof of Theorem 11. (2) ‘‘is similar to (i)’’ should be changed to ‘‘It is similar to proof of Theorem 10.’’ In page 6, in part (2) of Theorem 17., ‘‘^i2I Hli;Bi is a 2;2 _q ð Þ-fuzzy soft subring of (F, A)’’ should be changed to ‘‘^i2I Hli;Bi is a 2;2 _q ð Þ-fuzzy soft subring of ^i2I F;A ð Þ.’’ In page 6, in part (3) of Theorem 17., ‘‘If Bi Bj 1⁄4 £, for all i; j 2 I, then _i2I Hli;Bi is a 2;2 _q ð Þ-fuzzy soft subring of (F, A)’’ should be changed to ‘‘If Bi Bj 1⁄4 £, for all i; j 2 I, then _i2I Hli;Bi is a 2;2 _q ð Þ-fuzzy soft subring of _i2I F;A ð Þ.’’ In page 7, proof of Theorem 22. (2) ‘‘is similar to (i)’’ should be changed to ‘‘It is similar to proof of Theorem 20.’’ We apologize to the readers for any inconvenience these errors might have caused.

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