
After publication, it was noted by the authors that the dataset used for the analyses of occupational exposures in this study accidentally used incomplete occupational histories collected for 94 control fathers and 104 control mothers recruited in 2006, and these control parents were all treated as unexposed to occupational pesticides. Results in Tables 1–3 and Supplemental Tables 1 and 2 (and the first three rows of Supplemental Table 3) of our published paper were unaffected by this error as they concerned household, rather than occupational pesticide exposure. The conclusions regarding the association with household exposure to professional pest control treatments are consequently unchanged. However, for occupational exposure, 18 control fathers and 2 control mothers were mistakenly classified as being unexposed to pesticides when they should have been classified as exposed (any time before the child’s birth). The analyses presented in Table 4 and parts of Supplemental Table 3 in the published manuscript were re-run using the full dataset to ensure correct exposure assignment (5 case fathers and 4 control fathers were additionally excluded from revised occupational analysis due to genuinely missing data). The updated Table 4 and Supplemental Table 3 (occupational estimates only) are presented in this erratum. The online version of the original article can be found under doi:10. 1007/s10552-013-0205-1.

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