
instead of ψ(x, t, ,±) = σ=± ψ(x, t, ,±). With this definition, Proposition 4.1 should be replaced by Proposition 4.1′ Assume H1, H2, H3 and C0. Then, for any 0 < β < 1/2, we have the following L(IR)–norm estimate as t → ±∞, ‖ψ(x, t, ) − (ψ−(x, t, ,±) + ψ(x, t, ,∓)) ‖ = O (1/|t|β). In eqn. (4.4), “ψ(x, t, ,−) =” should be replaced by “ψ−(x, t, ,−) ,” and the qualification “for negative x’s” should be added. Similarly, in the next sentence, the stipulation “for positive x’s” should be added. The proof of Proposition 4.1 should be amended as follows: Equation (7.14) should begin with

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