
IN the calculation of the interdiffusion coefficients of two intermediate phases and the impurity diffusion coefficients ofAl in hcpMg, a small numerical errorwas found. The error does not change the main conclusions of the work but can lead to small errors in the diffusion calculations. The following is a revision of the interdiffusion coefficients and impurity diffusion coefficient. The numbering of figures, tables and references used in this erratum are the same as the original paper for convenience. Interdiffusion coefficients for two intermediate phases (Mg17Al12 and Mg2Al3) were calculated using the Heuman-Matano method by identifying the Matano plane from Al concentration profile throughout the whole diffusion zone quantified by Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA). For example, the position of the Matano plane for the sample annealed after 72 hours at 693 K (420 C) is marked in Figure 1. The revised interdiffusion coefficients for the Mg17Al12 and Mg2Al3 intermediate phases are presented in Table III and in Figure 4 with comparison to previous studies. Our results are in good agreement with Brennan et al. The revised values for the Al impurity diffusion coefficient in hcp Mg from the multiphase diffusion calculation used in the original paper are plotted in Figure 7(a). In order to confirm the impurity diffusion, a Gaussian solution of Fick’s second law is also applied to analytically calculate impurity diffusion coefficient in this erratum. In the analytical method, the impurity diffusion coefficient for each sample was calculated from the slope of ln (Al concentration) vs square of penetration distance in dilute Al concentration region of hcp Mg solid solution. As can be seen in Figure 7(a), the analytical results are in good agreement with the results obtained from multiphase diffusion simulation. The revised Al impurity diffusion coefficients, depending on the orientation of hcp Mg, were plotted in Figure 7(b) and compared with previous studies. The revised optimized mobilities of Al in hcp Mg along the aand c-axis of Mg crystal are

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