
Correspondence E rratum : Perfluorooctanoic Acid Concentrations for Participants in the C8 Health Project http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ehp.1306804 In “Retrospective Exposure Estimation and Predicted versus Observed Serum Perfluorooctanoic Acid Concentrations for Participants in the C8 Health Project” (Shin et al. 2011b), we reported estimates of historical perfluoro­octanoic acid (PFOA) exposures and serum concentrations for 45,276 non­occupationally exposed partici­ pants in the C8 Health Project who con- sented to share their residential histories. We recently discovered an inconsistency in our estimates of historical water concen- trations for some of these participants. For four public water districts (Belpre, Little Hocking, New Lubeck, and Tuppers Plains), the water concentrations used to estimate exposures and predicted serum concentrations were not consistent with water concentration estimates we reported in another article, “Environmental Fate and Transport Modeling for Perfluorooctanoic Acid Emitted from the Washington Works Facility in West Virginia” (Shin et al. 2011a). ���������������������������������� The d����������������������������� i���������������������������� fference in water concentra- tion estimates slightly affects our estimates of PFOA exposures and serum concentrations. The Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (r S ) between updated serum estimates and the originally reported values is 0.996. A cohort follow-up also resulted in the addition of 118 new partici­pants (all who had provided consent), as well as the removal of 1,945 participants who had been newly identified as having historical occupational exposure to PFOA. Updated summary sta- tistics comparing predicted and observed serum concentrations are shown in Table 1. Among all participants (n = 43,449), updated serum PFOA concentration predictions are largely similar to the originally reported val- ues (e.g., medians of 13.7 ppb and 14.2 ppb for updated and originally reported values, respectively; for predicted versus observed serum concentrations, r S = 0.677 and 0.674 for updated and originally reported values, respectively). Updating the water concentrations resulted in a decrease of 0.2 ppb in median serum concentration estimates, and the removal of newly identified DuPont workers resulted in a decrease of 0.3 ppb. We found no noticeable change in the updated summary statistics from the addition of the 118 new participants. In summary, the two sets of predictions are very similar and match the observed serum equally well. This update does not substantially change the conclusions of our study (Shin et al. 2011b). Hyeong-Moo Shin Department of Public Health Sciences University of California, Davis Davis, California E-mail: hmshin@ucdavis.edu Veronica M. Vieira Department of Environmental Health Boston University Boston, Massachusetts P. Barry Ryan Kyle Steenland Department of Environmental Health Emory University Atlanta, Georgia Scott M. Bartell Program in Public Health Department of Statistics University of California, Irvine Irvine, California R eference Shin HM, Vieira VM, Ryan PB, Detwiler R, Sanders B, Steenland S, et al. 2011a. Environmental fate and trans- port modeling for perfluorooctanoic acid emitted from the Washington Works Facility in West Virginia. Environ Sci Technol 45:1435–1442. Shin HM, Vieira VM, Ryan PB, Steenland K, Bartell SM. 2011b. Retrospective exposure estimation and predicted versus observed serum perfluorooctanoic acid concentrations for participants in the C8 Health Project. Environ Health Perspect 119:1760–1765. The authors declare they have no actual or potential competing financial interests. Table 1. Summary of serum predictions for different subgroups of participants. Characteristic All participants Water consumption data available Residence in one of the six water districts in 2005/2006 Same residence and workplace in one of six water districts from 2001 to 2005 Same residence and workplace in one of six water districts from 2001 to 2005 and water consumption Same residence and workplace not in one of six water districts from 2001 to 2005 Bottled-water drinkers Nonvegetable growers Vegetable growers n r S Median (ppb) Close Predicted Observed Underprediction a approximation a Overprediction a a Represents the percentage of model results within these categories. Under­prediction reflects modeling values 2 times the sampling data. Erratum: “Global Trade Tradeoff: Rickettsial Disease in Taiwan” [120(12):A456 (2012)] The photo caption in the December 2012 News article “Global Trade Tradeoff: Rickettsial Disease in Taiwan” (Environ Health Perspect 120:A456; doi: 10.1289/ehp.120-a456) incorrectly stated, “Striped field mice from plowed fields carried many more chiggers and ticks than mice from unplowed fields.” The caption should have read, “Striped field mice from unplowed fields carried many more chiggers and ticks than mice from plowed fields.” Erratum: “New Primary Standard Set for Fine Particulate Matter Pollution” [121(3):A74 (2013)] In a typographical error, the March 2013 News article “New Primary Standard Set for Fine Particulate Matter Pollution” (Environ Health Perspect 121:A74; doi: 10.1289/ehp.121-a74) incorrectly expressed the 24-hour primary standard and annual and 24-hour secondary stan- dards for PM 2.5 in milligrams per cubic meter. The standards should have been expressed as micrograms per cubic meter. EHP regrets the errors. Environmental Health Perspectives • volume 121 | number 4 | April 2013 A 113

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