
guinea pig specimens were made. All of the isolates were identified as Torlllol~sis pit7tolope~ii. The isolation of T. pirltolopesii from the intestinal tract of guinea pigs has been reported previously (Parle 1957). Tor~rlopsis pir7tolopesii is known to associate with tissue surfaces in the stomach of mice and rats (Savage 1969), but we do not believe that such an association has been previously reported for guinea pigs. Microbial associations with epithelial sulfaces in the alimentary canal of mice and rats (Savage 1969), man and monkeys (Takeuchi et 01. 1974), chickens (Fuller and Turvey 197 l) , swine (Tannock and Smith 1970), nematodes (Tannock and Savage 1974), insects (Breznak and Pankratz 1977), and sheep (Bauchop et 01. 1975) have been described. We have demonstrated that microbial associations with tissue surfaces also occur in the alimentary tract of guinea pigs. ,P~\)ipe.s (Kol1:ir) and Coptot~rr~re.s,forttio.~c~~~~~.s Shilxki]. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 33: 406-426. DAVIS. C. P., and D. C. SAVAGE. 1974. Habitat. succession, attachment and morphology of segmented, filamentous microbes indigenous to the murine gastrointestinal tract. Infect. Immun. 10: 948-956. FULLER. R.. and A . TLJRVEY. 1971. Bacteria associated with the intestinal wall of the fowl. (Gallris rlott~esticrrs). J . Appl. Bacteriol. 34: 617-622. LODDER, J . . and N. J. W. KREGER-VAN RIJ. 1970. The Yeasts. North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam. pp. 1235-1292. PARLE, J. N. 1957. Yeasts isolated from the mammalian ;dimentary tract. J. Gen. Microbiol. 17: 363-367. SAVAGE. D. C. 1969. Microbial interference between indigenous yeast and lactobacilli in the rodent stomach. J . Bacteriol. 98: 12781283. SAVAGE, D. C.. J . S. MCALLISTER, and C. P. DAVIS. 1971. Anaerobic bacteria on the mucosal epithelium of the murine large bowel. Infect. Immun. 4: 492-502. TAKEUCHI. A,, H. R. JERVIS, H. NAKAZAWA, and D. M. ROBINSON. 1974. Spiral-shaped organisms on the surface colonicepitheliumofthe monkey and man. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 27: 12871296. ~ ~

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