
Introduction Materials and Methods Despite the large amount of published work Live infected scallops were air-freighted from Port au on the commercially important marine bivalve Port Bay on the west coast of Newfoundland to St. John's, and maintained in recovery tanks in running seawater for Placo~ecten magellanicus (Gmelin), the occura The algae were isolated from a 1Gyear-old fe rence of endozoic algae within the soft parts of male. the animal has not been ~reviouslv re~orted. Standard agar, stab, and petri dish culture methods L During investigations in the biology of the were used. he medium wkisted of a sterile Seawater Erd-Schreiber (Foyn 1934) in 1.5% agar. After repeated giant scallop on the west coast of Newfoundland rinsing of the mantle tissues of the scallop in sterile sea(Naidu 1969) it was observed that the mantle water, dgal were dissected out m~ inoculated tissue of the mollusc was often colored green. On onto the medium. A sinale inoculum was used to initiate closer examination it was found that The green all the cultures. ~ulturelwere incubated at a temperature color was due to the presence of unicellular algae 15-0 * Om5 OC in a Psycrothemincubator (New Brunswick Scientific Corporation) under artificial illumination on and within the tissue. The alga is tentatively from white fluorescent tubes of 2000-1x intensity (Westreported here as a zoochlorella, following studies inghouse F~~T-~/cw/Ho), adjusted to an 18-h light/& of plants both in situ and in culture. h dark sequence. Of the initial isolates slants were most successful. From

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