
The growth of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems since the 90’s has been immense. Their organisational wide functionality is vast and overall capabilities are enormous but their success, usability and the user perception is questioned in the information systems (IS) literature. This paper looks at an implemented ERP system in a large Australian University. The core aspect of the paper is the user perception on the implemented system, which is measured by two criteri-ons: user satisfaction and post-implementation factors. The author is using interviews, documentary analysis and observation techniques for data gathering. Based on the gathered findings, the author portrays the use of participatory design (PD) methods as a possible tool for successful ERP implementation. User-Centred Design (UCD) and Joint Application Development (JAD) were compared as part of the PD approach and it was concluded that the UCD approach would best suit for the development and the implementation of an ERP system.

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