
A sample of silicon carbide dust taken in the field from a plant producing abrasives was studied in vitro. The SiC particles (part unmilled and part milled) were able to disturb the structure of erythrocyte membranes and to lead to blood red-cell lysis; they also either interfered with complement and activated the alternate pathway, or interacted with biological media and polymorphonuclear leucocyte membranes, thus eliciting reactive oxygen species production. These in vitro properties were detected both in original large particles and unmilled particles, over 40% of which were of respirable size. The ability of these SiC particles to produce complement activation in vitro lends support to the previous hypothesis, that the radiographic opacities found in two workers employed in the same area of the plant from which the dust tested was taken are due to a reaction by pulmonary interstitial structures to SiC particle inhalation. It is speculated that SiC particles could act like asbestos, the ability of which to activate complement through the alternate pathway is considered to be one of the mechanisms by which the initial asbestotic lesions and subsequent fibrotic inflammatory infiltrates are generated in the lung.

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