
The results of a study of 106 recently formed gullies in Bananal, in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, is applied in this paper to the analysis of paleogullies detected in the same region. Bananal is situated in a region where coffee was previously cultivated on the southeastern Brazilian plateau. The area is characterized by a hilly policonvex relief. We observed that gullies tend to cut into hollows on the concave slopes. As the slopes in this area were formed by several colluvial deposits, setting discordantly, we decided to specify the relations between slope geometry and erosion process by the analysis of a three-dimensional representation of paleoslope geometry. This approach should provide a better insight into the role of hollows and paleohollows in the location of gullies on the slope. Indeed, we observed that gully erosion in the hollows is a common process throughout the Upper Quaternary of our region. This process is in fact responsible for the greatly varying geometry of erosion disconformities between colluvial deposits. The morphological patterns of these disconformities led us to associate them with the evolution patterns of active gullies found today in the region.

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