
It is examined the creative work of French opera composer and critic Ernest Reyer (1823– 1909), who was also the author of opera “Sigurd”. Relevance of the study lies in the attempt to bring in the Ukrainian musicological context the creative work of Ernest Reyer. The main objective of the study is to answer the question of whether the opera of the French composer Ernest Reyer “Sigurd” belongs to the world wagnerian movement. The study was carried out by using comparative method: comparison was made between E. Reyer’s and R. Wagner’s operatic versions of the ancient German legend about Sigurd. It is presented the short biography of the E. Reyer, by underlineding his dimensioned cultural ties with outstanding contemporaries such as H. Berlioz, G. Flaubert, T. Gautier and others. It is presented the general outlook of composer’s creative heritage and short characteristics of Reyer’s main operatic, ballet and symphonic works. It is described the creative work of E. Reyer as French critic. It is raised a question of E. Reyer’s belonging to the world Wagnerism, which is proved by the creation of opera on the plot of “Poetic Edda” and “The Song of the Nibelungs”. It is analyzed the literature sources of libretto of “Sigurd” (its authors – Michel Carre, Camille du Locle and Alfred Blau). It is examined the synthesis of German legendary subject and traditions of French musical theatre. It is proved the fidelity of E. Reyer to the national operatic traditions that is why this opera can’t be regarded as “Wagnerian” opera. It is underlined such urgent tendency in musical dramatic composition of “Sigurd” as using of leitmotivs. It is presented short review of the modern staging and recordings of opera. The conclusion of the study is to determine the historical value of E. Reyer’s opera “Sigurd” as the unique attempt of an alternative French interpretation of the glorious ancient Germanic and Scandinavian epics, which became the source of the tetralogy “The Ring of the Nibelung”. In “Sigurd” E. Reyer’s “Germanic” plot combines the traditions of the French national musical theater and some of the latest techniques of musical drama, making this opera a landmark of European music culture of the nineteenth century.

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