
Ernest Craige, MD, 89, Professor Emeritus of Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), died on January 24, 2008, at North Carolina Memorial Hospital. Dr Craige served as chief of the Division of Cardiology at the UNC School of Medicine for 26 years and was an internationally renowned expert in echocardiography. Dr Craige was born on June 3, 1918, in El Paso, Texas, the son of Fr Branch Craige and Elsa Kohlberg Craige. He received his BA from UNC in 1939. Dr Craige was a member of the Golden Fleece, Order of Gimghoul, Phi Beta Kappa, and Sigma Nu Fraternity, of which he was chapter president. He was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship in 1939 but did not take up residence in England because of the outbreak of World War II. Instead, he attended Harvard Medical School and graduated with an MD degree in the spring of 1943. After an internship at Massachusetts General Hospital and Army training at Camp Barkley in Texas, Dr Craige participated in the northern European Campaign with the Fifth Auxiliary Surgery …

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